Sunday, 31 March 2013


Medium : Copper, Steel and Enamel colour

Fast city

Medium : Copper sheet
Size : 24" x 12" x 8"


This artwork represents the changes from generation to generation from the old cloth packing to the new trolly bag.

Medium : Copper sheet and Brass
Size : 36" x 18" x 18"

Three Seasons

Medium : Copper sheet and Enamel colour
Size : 18" x 18"

Female Infenticide

This artwork represents the pain of a woman who sees dying her child. 

Medium : Copper sheet and fiber glass
Size : 18" x 24"


Warrior the common man


  This artwork represents the thinking of a common man. The common man who always think like a warrior for his living. 

Medium : Copper sheet and fiber glass
Size : 8 feet



Daily life


The work is being done on the daily life of Mumbai people.